Dry Eye
Dry eye disease is a multifactorial disease that affects an estimated 25 million people in the United States alone. In fact, dry eye disease is one of the most common reasons that people visit their eye care professional. The increasing prevalence of dry eye disease is precisely why Perich Eye Center is a great location for you to schedule an appointment.
With over 100 combined years of experience, our eye surgeons in Tampa and the surrounding areas are dedicated to providing the highest quality of dry eye care by using advanced ophthalmic diagnostic techniques and treatments. Although a common occurrence, it is important to treat Dry Eye Syndrome as soon as possible and with regular doctor visits to ensure complications or damage to the eye or vision do not occur. If you believe you have Dry Eye Syndrome, please schedule an appointment with the dry eye doctors at Perich Eye Center at any of their six locations. Treatment options vary depending on symptoms and severity, so schedule an appointment today for an eye exam and assessment of your options.
What is Dry-Eye?
Dry Eye Syndrome results when the eyes are not producing an adequate amount of tears to keep them lubricated. This common condition can result in an itching, burning, inflamed, and/or stinging sensation in the eyes. It can also cause light sensitivity and difficulty wearing contact lenses. It may sound strange, but increased tearing may also be a symptom of Dry Eye Syndrome in some cases. The eyes’ lacrimal glands can begin to produce excess tears to respond to the irritation that occurs when tear secretion is below normal – so, when the eye is dry, an overflow of tears can result, which disguises the basic dryness that initially caused the excessive tearing. Dry Eye Syndrome can be a very frustrating and debilitating condition. If left untreated, it can lead to severe ocular disease. Some individuals can mistake the symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome for allergies or infections, which makes it very important to have an eye exam as quickly as possible once the problems begin.
Perich Eye Center offers a variety of dry eye treatments to help patients achieve their best possible outcomes. Restasis is an FDA approved medication used to decrease the inflammation associated with Dry-Eye, thus reducing signs and symptoms. Perich Eye Center also offers Xiidra, which is the latest FDA approved medication for Dry-Eye therapy that works similarly to Restasis.
Dry-Eye Syndrome is chronic and is typically a progressive condition. It may not be fully curable depending on it's underlying cause, but in most cases can be managed successfully. Perich Eye Center doctors treatment plans will give you noticeably greater eye comfort, decrease your symptoms, and sometimes sharper vision.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it true that dry eye symptoms worsen in the spring and summer months?
Dry eyes are most commonly caused from an individual not being able to produce healthy tears. This is NOT affected by a change of seasons. Many people feel more symptoms during allergy season, or warmer months when they are more frequently in a dry air conditioned environment.
When should I schedule a visit to Perich Eye Center?
As a general guideline, eye exams should be performed annually to check the health and wellness of your eyes. If you feel discomfort and dryness in your eyes at least once a week, or if you habitually use OTC rewetting drops, you should seek help from an optometrist to screen you for dry eye syndrome.
What tests are performed for dry eye?
Testing for dry eyes varies from person to person. Most commonly, our doctors will use special equipment to measure how wet your eyes get with each blink you take. More extensive testing can measure how quickly those tears evaporate. In some cases, we will take infrared imaging of the actual glands inside your eyelids that produce the oil that lubricates your eyes.
Do I have dry eye syndrome if my eyes Are watery?
Weepy eyes that are always watery is actually a LARGE indicator of dry eye syndrome. When our tears don’t have enough lubrication or mucous they wash away from the eye similar to the way water washes off a feather. The body responds to this by flooding the eye with more tears to keep it from drying out. The correct treatment for this is to introduce more oil and mucous back into the tear system.
What are the typical treatments used to help people suffering from dry eyes?
Treatments vary on the type and severity of dry eye. Mild cases can be treated with prescription drops and oral vitamins. Chronic and severe cases require in office procedures such as Lipiflow and Blephex. These procedures are designed to unclog glands and resurface the eyelid. Think of it like getting new windshield wipers for your car and changing the fluid.
Are some people more prone to having dry eyes than others?
Studies show a direct link to excessive computer usage and dry eyes. There are other factors involved as well such as genetics, diet, medications, sleep, and other health factors.
Is there a way to avoid getting dry eyes?
We recommend taking consistent “eye breaks” when you work on a computer more than four hours a day. These breaks should be taken every 20 minutes taking time away from the screen for at least 20 seconds. It is also very important that you have an annual eye exam, even if you don’t wear glasses. Our eyes are precious and it’s very important that they are well taken care of.