Do I need polarized sunglasses?
Photo by Ethan Robertson on Unsplash
Welcome to Florida! Where the sun is out year round and living here means you probably own more than one pair of sunglasses. These days you can buy glasses with many different types of lenses- from regular, to transition, to polarized all with your prescription included. But do you really need polarized to help your eyes? Or are any darker shade just as good? Let’s go over the benefits of polarized lenses to start.
What are the benefits of polarized lenses?
They reduce glare & reflection
They can improve the clarity when in the sun
They can reduce the eye strain
They improve color contrast
If you have ever compared polarized sunglasses next to sunglasses that do not have the polarization, it is easy to see the difference when you are in the sun. The colors seem brighter, objects clearer, and your eyes tend to feel a sense of relief. It is especially noticeable when you are around water. The glare off the surface of the water doesn’t hit you and cause you to blink rapidly. This is when polarization is very beneficial. Many fishermen swear by using this type of lens and only want polarized. When you are driving, it is also very handy to have and can potentially be safer due to the lack of glare in your vision.
Are there any drawbacks to polarized lenses?
There are certain times when a polarized lens is not recommended. Driving at night is not a good time to use them. Although it may be tempting to try if headlights give you problems, the darker lens is not a safe choice in the low light setting. Additionally, polarized lenses can give you problems when you are looking at LCD screens in TV’s, computers, or even ATM’s. Of course, you can always simply take them off- pending they are not prescription and the only option on you.
It is important to note that a lens being polarized does not automatically mean they have UV protection as well. This is a common misconception that we here at Perich Eye Center are passionate about making sure people understand. UV protection is very important for your eye and your skin. When you are considering purchasing any pair of sunglasses, make sure you look to see that they are in fact UV protection, and better yet reach for the ones that are labeled 100% UV. You can find sunglasses that are both polarized and 100% UV protection and generally speaking, this is what we recommend everyone utilize.
Ok, but why are polarized lenses so much more expensive?
Good question! Polarized lenses are not actually all that much more of an option to add in. Where the larger price difference typically comes, is from the designer brands who make the frames themselves. You will often see non-prescription sunglasses being sold by big brands with big price tags to match. Think of this like buying a designer hand bag- the price is higher for the name, but you probably can find a similar item from a smaller brand for less money, although the quality of materials may be different. Likewise, if you hunt around, you can find polarized sunglasses that are non-prescription for less.
When getting prescription sunglasses made, you are generally able to add a polarized lens that is also UV protective. This is not usually the case for reading glasses however. We do recommend everyone use some form of eye protection when you are out enjoying the beautiful Florida sunshine, no matter if you have the need for a prescription or not. Many frames offer a clip-on option as an added benefit. Contact lens wearers absolutely do need to use sunglasses outside as well.
The Verdict?
We do like polarized lenses but much prefer sunglasses that have both polarized lenses and 100% UV protection. Always check the labels or ask an associate for help whenever you are purchasing sunglasses. If you are interested in getting prescription sunglasses, we can help you with that too. Living in Florida, it is so important to enjoy the sun, but to do so with protection- for your eyes and your skin. So make sure no matter what you have UV protection in your lenses and use a quality sunscreen for your skin and especially your face. Also when getting sunglasses, make sure they actually cover your eyes!