Does Dry Eye Go Away?


When your eyes feel dry, it is very frustrating and distracting. At first you think it will just go away. when it doesn’t, you start looking for answers and start wondering- will this dry eye ever actually go away? This is the time to make an appointment with your eye doctor to see if there is something serious or specific that needs to be addressed. In some cases dry eye can be temporary and for others it could be a permanent issue.

What is dry eye?

Dry Eye Syndrome results when the eyes are not producing an adequate amount of tears to keep them lubricated. This common condition can result in an itching, burning, inflamed, and/or stinging sensation in the eyes. It can also cause light sensitivity and difficulty wearing contact lenses.

It may sound strange, but increased tearing may also be a symptom of Dry Eye Syndrome in some cases. The eyes’ lacrimal glands can begin to produce excess tears to respond to the irritation that occurs when tear secretion is below normal – so, when the eye is dry, an overflow of tears can result, which disguises the basic dryness that initially caused the excessive tearing.

Dry Eye Syndrome can be a very frustrating and debilitating condition. If left untreated, it can lead to severe ocular disease. Some individuals can mistake the symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome for allergies or infections, which makes it very important to have an eye exam as quickly as possible once the problems begin.

What are some home remedies to try for dry eyes?

Sometimes dry eye is as simple as being caused by sleeping with an overhead fan on. The fan causes the air to circulate while you are sleeping. In turn, your eyes dry out from the constant air and you wake up irritated. If you find yourself waking up with dry eye, try turning the fan off overnight for a few nights and see how you feel. This is especially helpful in the allergy seasons when your eyes can be more prone to irritation.

Eye drops do help with dry eye as they give instant relief. However, it is important to get eye drops specifically for dry eye. There are a variety of over the counter options out there but we tend to find that when you spend a bit more money than the basic level, you really do get better results. Great eye drops that cost you more will actually last you longer on average because you do not have to use them as frequently. They give you a better result that gives your dry eyes relief longer- so go for the “fancy” ones!

A wet heat compress is also a great option, especially at night before bed for your dry eyes. Take a face cloth and get it wet with hot water, ring it out as to not get yourself all wet, fold it neatly and place it over your closed eyes. This will deliver moister to relax your dry eyes and make them feel better. It is also incredibly relaxing too! Although this is not a permanent solution, it is great in the moment when you are suffering from those dry eye symptoms.

We also recommend taking consistent “eye breaks” when you work on a computer more than four hours a day. These breaks should be taken every 20 minutes taking time away from the screen for at least 20 seconds. It is also very important that you have an annual eye exam, even if you don’t wear glasses. Our eyes are precious and it’s very important that they are well taken care of.

So, does dry eye go away?

In some cases, yes dry eye can go away. Seasonal allergies can cause dry, scratchy eyes but in time those allergies can alleviate thus giving your eyes a chance to return to normal feeling. Likewise, if you are suffering dry eyes and find that turning the fan off overnight makes a difference, overall the problem can be remedied. Sure you can have bouts of dry eye still but generally you will not see a daily issue.

Quality eye drops will help with your dry eye and you may find you only need them from time to time. If you are a contacts wearer, make sure you are tossing your contacts at their expiration- think of your contacts like milk, once they have been opened they are only good to use for their intended (typically) 30 or single day.

If you have single day contacts, also referred to as dailies, they need to be worn for the day and simply tossed after being taken out. For monthly contacts, once they are open, they are only good for 30 days from that date regardless of how many days you actually wear them. Over using your contacts can lead to dry eye problems. Please make careful note of when you open your contacts to know when it is time to toss them.

Dry-Eye Syndrome is chronic and is typically a progressive condition. It may not be fully curable depending on it's underlying cause, but in most cases can be managed successfully. Perich Eye Center doctors treatment plans will give you noticeably greater eye comfort, decrease your symptoms, and sometimes sharper vision.

If you find that your dry eye persists it is very important to have a doctor take a look. If you have problems and discomfort but find that it is only occasional or seems to go away, it is still important to take to your doctor about it when you do have your annual eye visit to ensure there are no underlying issues and to keep track of the problem.


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