How can I check my glasses prescription?
Its time! Time for a new pair of glasses. Maybe you have been rocking the same pair for years, maybe they broke or the dog chewed on them, or maybe you just want a new look. Whatever the reason, getting the correct prescription for your eyes is of the utmost importance. But how on earth do you figure that out? Fresh lenses and frames can not only help you see clearer but can give you a renewed feeling on life!
How can I check my glasses prescription?
Making sure you have the right prescription for your eyes is very important. Of course so you can see your clearest- thats the most important reason! But also to make sure you don’t make your eye sight worse, avoid complications like headaches and dry eye. If it has been awhile since you have gotten your eyes examined and you are looking to get new glasses, figuring out your prescription is the first step.
Your current glasses may actually have two different correction levels- most people don’t actually have the same exactly prescription in both eyes. Your eyes can also change over time and your prescription can fluctuate some. This is why coming in for an exam is so important. We want to not only get you into your latest prescription, but also want to check on your eye health to make sure theres nothing going on that needs to be treated.
This is the best way to figure out what your prescription is- coming into your preferred eye doctor and having an annual checkup. It may be the same as your old glasses or it might be slightly different. Unfortunately the lenses in your glasses do not have a sneaky hiding place that say what the prescription is.
Of course if you can find your paperwork from where you ordered your glasses from last, that will have your prescription on it as well. You should be able to call the last doctor you visited to be able to retain this information, but it is best to get that checkup and make sure you are still where you need to be.
How do you read your glasses prescription?
When you get your prescription from your doctor it can feel like you are looking at hieroglyphics! There are not many items on the small rectangular piece of paper but they certainly don’t seem to make much sense when you are learning for the first time. Acronyms make it shorter to write but unfortunately are not as simple as saying “left eye” or “right eye” and anyways who’s left? Just kidding!
There are a few acronyms to understand with your prescription. Let’s take a look at an example to get a clear picture:
O.D.= Oculus Dexter which mean the right eye
O.S.= Oculus Sinister which means the left eye
Sphere= this signifies nearsighted or farsighted
CYL= Cylinder shape of your eye (for astigmatism)
Axis= combine with CYL to correct any astigmatism (both Axis & CYL only if applicable)
The + and - refer to near or far sighted and go up in .25 increments.
We are always happy to go over your prescription and make sure you feel 110% comfortable before you leave our doors. Feel free to ask all the questions and know we are here to make sure you can see as clearly through healthy eyes as you possibly can. It is also important to make sure you have the correct prescription for your eyes. Make sure to bring your glasses in with you on your next exam so that we can verify everything is working well for you.
Ready for your annual exam? Call us today at 727-372-1311 to schedule your appointment to make sure you eye health is top notch!