Premium Lenses: All About Crizal
Image from Crizal
Did you know there are different types of lenses for your glasses that have different benefits? Premium lenses can make a huge difference in your daily experience that are easily noticeable when you make the switch. What are Crizal lenses and the key factors that make them stand out? Let’s dive right in so you can make the best decision for your eyes!
Crizal lenses are specially designed to make your vision be its clearest yet. Crizal No-Glare lenses cover five key components to accomplish this:
No-Glare: with the reduction of glare bouncing off your lens, there is more light that is able to come into your eye. This gives you a clearer vision by allowing the most light possible for your eyes to process and see better, rather than the light bouncing off the lens. At night, this is particularly helpful at night especially while driving. The reduction of glare makes your vision more clear and thus safer driving conditions and less annoyance. This is also helpful to improve the way others can see your eyes, making you look even better! If you have lots of Zoom meetings, this can really make a difference in your glare on video too!
Anti-Smudge: If you already wear glasses, you know the struggle! Adjust your glasses, give someone a hug, say hi to a pet, and smudging is sure to ensue. With Crizal lenses, you will see a sharp reduction in smudging as they basically repel oil, water, etc. from the lenses. Smudges are hard to see through and cause the eye to focus on it rather than whats in front of you.
Repels Water: You have been out in the rain, hardly able to see with water building up on your glasses and somehow not falling off. Think of Crizal like Rain-X for your glasses. Instead of the water just sitting on the lens, the water beads up and drips down and off. This results in you actually being able to see clearly without that water in the way.
Resists Dust: Normal lenses allow static electricity to build up on them resulting in dust sticking to the lenses and therefore making it harder to see. With Crizal lenses, that static electricity is not able to build up meaning dust is not able to stick. This gives you clearer vision without the small particles in the way.
Resists Scratches: That moment you get a scratch on your lens is always such a bummer! There is no reversing it once it happens. It is easy to do on normal glasses as cleaning them off needs to happen and it’s easy to not have the proper cloth available to you at all times. Crizal lenses resist these scratches and due to the other key components listed above, help reduce how often you need to clean them in the first place!
Crizal lenses really do make a difference in the daily wear and tear of glasses life that will simply make your life more enjoyable through the lack of needing to worry or care for your glasses like ever before. Contact us here at Perich Eye Care today to see if Crizal lenses can be right for you and your glasses!