Signs and Symptoms of Glaucoma

What does glaucoma feel like?

Glaucoma is one of those things you may not even feel or notice. In many people, their eyesight gradually gets worse over time until they finally decide to go see an eye doctor and get tested. If you notice your eyesight becoming blurred or distorted, this may be an early sign. For some people, there could be pain in the eye area, headaches, and even nausea which could be signs of acute angle-closure glaucoma. Should you experience this, it is very important to see a doctor right away. Generally speaking, glaucoma can start to develop past the age of 45, however it is still important to get your eyes checked annually.

Is there a cure for glaucoma?

Unfortunately, glaucoma causes damage that can not be reversed. However, there are ways to slow the damage process down, especially when you catch it early, to help prevent vision loss from occurring. Controlling the progression of glaucoma is very successful with regular exams and proper treatments.

Is glaucoma genetic?

If your family has a history of having glaucoma, you are indeed at a higher risk of getting it as well. It is possible for anyone to develop glaucoma however, regardless of having this history or not. Making sure to get tested on your annual eye exam is very important to be able to catch any new developments early. If you are aware of family members having glaucoma, make sure you talk with your doctor about this.

How is glaucoma tested for?

Routine screenings can help monitor your eye health and detect glaucoma in its earliest stages. During these visits, your eye doctor will check your eye pressure, and if it is higher than normal, they will perform further tests to determine if there have been changes in the optic nerve that may indicate glaucoma. By utilizing multiple ophthalmic tools, your doctor can provide an accurate glaucoma diagnosis by examining your eye pressure, side and central vision, and interior structures of your eye. If you are diagnosed with glaucoma, your eye doctor will closely monitor its progress during regularly scheduled visits.

What are the glaucoma treatments?

Treatment for glaucoma is designed to lower your eye pressure, improve fluid drainage, or reduce fluid production. Special eye drops, medications, and laser surgery are the three main treatments available. These treatments are effective at controlling the condition. Depending on how quickly your doctor is able to catch the problem will determine which option is right for you. It is important to note that damage from the disease is irreversible, but when caught early, you can typically avoid severe vision loss. The eye surgeons at Perich Eye Center can assist you in determining the best course of action for your specific needs.


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