Is Laser Blepharoplasty Better?
Photo by mari lezhava on Unsplash
New technology has come out with CO2 laser blepharoplasty. A blepharoplasty is an eyelid lift either above or below the eye itself. Traditional eyelid surgery and laser eyelid surgery can have amazing results for the appearance of the face. Removing the sagging eyelid above the eyes, opens them up and can result in better vision. Removing the excess sagging skin below the eyes can take away that permanent tired look and truly bring back a youthful appearance.
Benefits of Laser Blepharoplasty:
Using a CO2 laser to perform the blepharoplasty is considered a more precise method than using a scalpel. The laser allows for minimized bruising and swelling. This results in a faster recovery time. Most patients will only have a 7-10 day window of recovery versus the traditional surgery requiring 2-4 weeks. Many patients prefer the idea of a laser rather than going under the knife.
The CO2 laser can be used for either the upper blepharoplasty (or upper eyelid lift) or the lower blepharoplasty (lower eyelid lift). For the upper eye lid lift, the incision is made within the crease of the eyelid, resulting in no visible scar. This procedure is to reduce loose or excess skin found in the upper lid crease. When completed, the eyes appear more open and awake. Often the peripheral vision improves as well, resulting from the removal of that excess skin acting like curtains blocking the eye’s view.
The lower eyelid lift targets the puffiness of the lower eyelids or bags under the eyes. With time, gravity and lifestyle can cause this skin to sag or puff up. This results in the look of swollen or tiredness throughout each day. The CO2 laser incision is made on the inside of the eyelid so there is no external visible scar. In patients that have excess sagging skin in the lower eyelid, a small incision can made at the eyelash line can be made to remove the excess skin.
What is very important to note, is that these procedures need to be done by a highly trained eye care professional. The lower lid surgery is especially critical to have a doctor perform who has specific knowledge of the eyelid anatomy. If not performed correctly, significant scarring and deformity to the lower lid can occur. The eye is a very special and vital part of the body that is also very intricate. There is a small marjoram of error when conducting these surgeries which is also why the precise ability the laser gives over a scalpel is so important.
What is the cost of a laser eyelid lift?
In some cases, the procedure is more than just cosmetic. The improved vision results can be reason for an insurance company to help cover the cost. Each person has different insurance coverages based on what was chosen and offered when you signed up.
Here at Perich Eye, we are proud to offer some of Tampa Bay’s most competitive rates for your surgical care, and are happy to tell you that your surgery will not cost you any more than if you were to have it done at a public hospital. Our specializing in eye care and knowledge gives you the peace of mind to know you are in the best hands when it comes to your precious eyes. We are very happy to have a consultation with you to determine your best route forward.