What is the main cause of macular degeneration?

Macular degeneration is a serious eye condition that can lead to vision loss and often starts out with symptoms of blurry vision. There are two types of macular degeneration: wet and dry. It is important to find out which type you may have to help determine what steps should be taken. Although they can have similar symptoms, the main cause of either wet or dry macular degeneration will be different.

What is the main cause of dry macular degeneration?

For dry macular degeneration, it is currently unknown exactly what beyond hereditary and/or environmental factors. What is interesting is that all wet macular degeneration actually starts as dry macular degeneration. However, having been diagnosed with dry macular degeneration does not automatically mean it will develop into the wet form.

Dry macular degeneration can advance and cause vision loss without turning into the wet form. The dry form can also suddenly turn into the wet form, even during the early stages of macular degeneration. Although, wet macular degeneration can develop and progress extraordinarily fast, both can lead to blindness however generally have different symptoms that may be hard to distinguish between especially in the early stages.

What is the main cause of wet macular degeneration?

Wet (neovascular) macular degeneration is the most serious type. Caused by the abnormal formation of blood vessels and subsequent leakage of blood or fluid between the layers of the retina, wet macular degeneration can result in permanent tissue damage. Central vision loss and reduction in the ability to see fine details can be effects of wet macular degeneration. If wet macular degeneration occurs in one eye, the risk of it affecting the other eye is increased. There are some treatments available (described below) that can slow vision loss and even improve eyesight for patients affected by wet macular degeneration; however, early diagnosis is vital.

Is macular degeneration the same as age related macular degeneration?

Macular degeneration is also referred to as age related macular degeneration or AMD or ARMD. This is because the condition by and large comes on as we age, commonly seen in middle age and elderly patients. This disease usually occurs in people over the age of 50, but can begin to develop as young as 40. The risk for macular degeneration does increase with age. Other risk factors include:

  • Smokers

  • Overweight

  • Race- more commonly seen in Caucasians

  • Genetics- a family history of the disease

  • Gender- females are more likely than males

  • High Blood Pressure

What are the early signs of dry macular degeneration?

The most common symptom of dry macular degeneration is slightly blurred vision. If you have had glasses much of your life, you may miss judge this as needing a different prescription. If this is something completely new to you, it is important to take it seriously and not brush it off. You will want to schedule an eye exam right away to ensure proper care any time you notice a change in your vision.

Other symptoms can be difficulty recognizing faces. Or, you may need more light for reading and other close up work. Printed words can become more blurry or difficult to make out. You may notice there is some form of blind spot forming potentially in the center of one or both eyes. Dry macular degeneration generally affects both eyes, but vision can be lost in one eye while the other eye seems unaffected.

What are the early signs of wet macular degeneration?

One of the fist symptoms of wet macular degeneration is seeing straight lines appear wavy. Some people notice a dullness in colors that were once vivid. Others may realize their ability to adjust their sight to lower light situations- like entering a darker cocktail bar. If you notice straight lines appearing wavy or other changes to your vision, contact us here at Perich Eye Center at once. We will get you in right away for a comprehensive dilated eye exam.

What are the treatments for macular degeneration?

Dry macular degeneration is the most common type of this condition. Although there are currently no viable treatment options for dry macular degeneration, the condition is typically very slow to progress. Visual aids and certain vitamin therapies may be able to reduce some of the symptoms and preserve as much central vision as possible for some patients. Regular eye exams and consistent monitoring is very important to prevent dry macular degeneration from becoming a serious threat to your overall vision.

Prevention is one of the best things you can do to reduce the risks of macular degeneration. A healthy diet is a good first step: fish and green leafy vegetables can be very helpful. Vitamins with high levels of certain antioxidants (E, C, A, and beta-carotene with zinc) have been found to offer significant benefits when it comes to reducing the likelihood of macular degeneration. Maintaining a healthy weight is also a good practice to aid your macular degeneration. Quitting smoking absolutely helps the body, not just the eyes to be able to live strong and healthy.

Remember, as soon as you notice any chances to your vision, as small as you may talk yourself into thinking they are, you need to contact us here at Perich Eye Center at once. We will get you in right away for a comprehensive dilated eye exam so you can know exactly what is going on with your eyes.


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